a3 o'lchamli juda rangli tekis turdagi t-ko'ylak dtg printer

a3 o'lchamli juda rangli tekis turdagi t-ko'ylak dtg printer

Specifications Usage:Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Type:Inkjet Printer Condition:New Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:220V 50 Hz, 220AC(±10%) Dimensions(L*W*H):L650mm x W810mm x H460mm Weight:60KG Product name:cotton printing machine Printing Size:300*420mm Print Color:5 colors (CMYK+White) Print Resolution:1440dpi Print Ink:Textile ink/UV ink Print Head:Piezo electric print head Print Head Quantity:1 piece Operation System:MS Windows XP ...
Ko'proq o'qing
raqamli mashina a2 uv flatbed printerni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan xorijga

raqamli mashina a2 uv flatbed printerni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan xorijga

Texnik xususiyatlari: Telefon qopqog'i printerlari, belgilar va grafik printerlar, va hokazo Plastinaning turi: Flatbed Printer turi: Inkjet Printer Chop etish uchun: Avtomatik Avtomatik kuchlanish: Avtomatik Voltaj: 220V / 110V Olchamlari (L * W * H): 88cm * 99cm * 65cm Og'irligi: 140KG Bosh turi: DX5 Chop etish uchun dasturiy ta'minot: RIP Acro RIP va boshqalar. Murakkab turi: UV UV nurli chiroqlar: 395 UV-chiroq muddati 20000 soatdan ko'proq. Rangli siyoh, momiq, sariq, qora, oq rang. Moslashuvchan materiallar: har qanday qattiq / yumshoq turdagi materiallar. Maksimal o'lchamlari: 1440 * 1440dpi Maksimal chop etish tezligi: 16 ...
Ko'proq o'qing
inkjet bosib chiqarish mashinasi a3 a4 o'lchamli flatbed uv printerini boshqargan

inkjet bosib chiqarish mashinasi a3 a4 o'lchamli flatbed uv printerini boshqargan

Xususiyatlari Foydalanish: kartochka printeri, kirish printeri, qog'ozli printer, akril / golfbol / telefonli shisha / shisha printerli idishning tagligi: tolali printer holati: yangi o'lchamlar (L * W * H): 750 * 560 * 520 mm Og'irligi: 34kg Avtomatik sinif: -Avtomat Voltaj: 110V / 220V Kafolat: 1 yil Bosib chiqarish hajmi: 165 x 300 mm Murakkab turi: UV nurli siyoh turi: UV Printerning nomi: A4 Kichik UV printer Rang: Ko'p rangli chop etish Bosib boshi: EPSON R330 Chop hajmi: 300mm, A4 o'lchamli Bosib balandligi: 0-50mm Bosib chiqarish tezligi: 2 min / A4 rasm Ruxsat berish: Maks.5760 * 1440DPI Chop texnologiyasi: To'g'ridan to'g'ri qarshi, kontaktsiz bosish.
Ko'proq o'qing
Ko'p funktsional a3 uv dtg printeri sertifikat bilan

Ko'p funktsional a3 uv dtg printeri sertifikat bilan

Ultratovushli printer ulgurganligi: printerning turi, strukturali printer, yangi kuchlanish: 110V / 220V o'lchamlari (L * W * H): 132 * 79 * 65CM Og'irligi: 96kg Kafolat: 1 yil, 1 yil kafolat (Chop kallasidan tashqari) Chop hajmi: 33 * 50 * 10cm Inklardagi turi: UV Murakkab Mahsulot nomi: DTG Printer Chop etish uchun: XP2000 Ruxsat berish: 5760 * 1440dpi Rang: CMYKW Murakkab turi: UV siyoh Chop hajmi: 33 * 50 * 10 sm Ilova: Metall, shisha, shisha, yog'och, plastik, telefon korpusi, akril ... Operatsion tizim: Windows 2000 / XP / Win7 / Vista Sotishdan keyingi ...
Ko'proq o'qing
sensorli displey razvedka pvc plastik id karta printer a3 aqlli hizalama

sensorli displey razvedka pvc plastik id karta printer a3 aqlli hizalama

Specifications Usage:Card Printer, Paper Printer, Label Printer, Tube Printer, Bill Printer, Leather, paper, plastic, wood, silicon, PP etc Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Type:Inkjet Printer, Digital inkjet printer Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:110V/220V Dimensions(L*W*H):L75 cm W63 cm H56 cm Weight:60kg Ink type:UV Ink, food Ink, flexible Ink,soft uv ink, eco solvent /pigment ink Printhead:1390 Ink color:CMYK WW, CMYK LcLm Media thickness:0-20cm Ink capacity:100ml x5 ...
Ko'proq o'qing
Dunyoning eng yaxshi a2 uv flatbed printeri

Dunyoning eng yaxshi a2 uv flatbed printeri

Specifications Condition: New Dimensions(L*W*H): 790*740*662mm Weight: 78kg Automatic Grade: Automatic Voltage: 110V/220V Type: Digital Printer, Digital Printer Place of Origin: Shanghai, China (Mainland) Usage: Bill Printer, Card Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer A2 R3800: MULTICOLOUR After-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service machinery overseas Quick Details Type:Digital Printer Condition:New Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Place of Origin:Shanghai, China (Mainland) Brand ...
Ko'proq o'qing
banner uchun eng yaxshi uv raqamli printer

banner uchun eng yaxshi uv raqamli printer

Specifications Usage: apply for all flatbed materials printing Plate Type: Flatbed Printer Type: Inkjet Printer Condition: New Automatic Grade: Semi-Automatic Voltage: 220-240V Dimensions(L*W*H): 4330*1917*1316mm Weight: 1500kgs Structure: Industrial Structure Frame with Heavy Duty Y-Bar X&Y Motor: High Quality Servo Motors Printing resolution: 720*1200dpi Maximum Print Size: 250cm(Width)*130cm(Length) Printing direction: Uni and Bi-direction Ink type: UV LED Curable Inks Ink Color: ...
Ko'proq o'qing
bardoshli barqaror tezkor yetkazib berish raqamli akril plitka mashinasi

bardoshli barqaror tezkor yetkazib berish raqamli akril plitka mashinasi

Xususiyatlari Foydalanish: kartani chiqaruvchi printer, boshqa plyonka turi: statsionar printer turi: struyli printer, struyli printer, tekis plitkali UV akril printer Printerning holati: yangi Model raqami: LST-A3 6UVR Avtomatik sinif: Avtomatik kuchlanish: 110 V / 220V Olchamlari (L * W * H ): 730mm * 630mm * 540mm Og'irligi: 55 / 80kg Chop kallagi: DX5 Printer Chop hajmi: 280mm * 450mm yoki 600mm Bosib chiqarish tezligi: A4 to'liq tasvir uchun 111s Printer o'lchami: A3 + o'lchamli Print o'lchamlari: 5760 * 1440 dpi Chop rang: C. ..
Ko'proq o'qing
professional pvc kartalari raqamli Uv printer, a3 / a2 uv flatbed printer

professional pvc kartalari raqamli Uv printer, a3 / a2 uv flatbed printer

Tarmoqli printer, shisha, yog'och taxta, metall taxta, seramika, teri, PVC, akril plastinka turi: tolali printer turi: struyli printer Chop etish uchun: Yangi avtomat sinf : Avtomatik Voltaj: 110V / 220V Olchamlari (L * W * H): 1600 * 1550 * 1150mm Og'irligi: 273kg Chop kallagi: Dual Piezo Chop etish Heat 2head / 3heads Chop hajmi: 60 * 90cm Ruxsat berish: 720 * 1440dpi Chop qalinligi: 15cm harorat: 20 ℃ -25 ℃ Rasm formati: Bmp, TIFF, Jpg, EPS, PDF, SAPR Quvvatni iste'mol qilish: 300W Quritish tizimi: ...
Ko'proq o'qing
arzon kichkina o'lchamdagi 6 rang 28 * 60cm uv printer a3

arzon kichkina o'lchamdagi 6 rang 28 * 60cm uv printer a3

Tarmoq, printer, plastmassa, pvc, eva, teri, akril, shisha, yog'och, metall, va hokazo. Plastinka turi: Flatbed Printer Status: Yangi o'lchamlari (L Avtomatik kuchlanish: 110 / 220V-toifa: Raqamli printer Mahsulot nomi: uv printer a3 Bosib tezligi: A4 o'lchamli-110 soniya, Chop etish uchun: Original DX5 Maksimal chop etish hajmi : A3 + (329mm * 450mm * 80mm) ...
Ko'proq o'qing
a2 a3 a4 to'g'ridan-to'g'ri jet gibrid uv flatbed printer

a2 a3 a4 to'g'ridan-to'g'ri jet gibrid uv flatbed printer

Texnik xususiyatlari Sertifikatlash: Idoralar sertifikati Foydalanish: Shisha / seramika / Akril / PVC Printer Plastinaning turi: Flatbed Printer Status: Yangi o'lchamlari (L * W * H): 1.0 m (kenglik) x 1.6m (chuqurlik) Og'irligi: 400Kgs Avtomatik Voltaj: 220V Kafolat muddati: 1 yil Bosib chiqarish hajmi: 1.0m * 1.6m Inklardagi turi: UV siyoh Mahsulot nomi: a2 a3 a4 to'g'ridan-to'g'ri gibrid uv flatbed printer Murakkab turi: UV Murakkab rangi: C, M, Y, K yoki C, Y , Y, K, Lc, Lm ...
Ko'proq o'qing
qobiq, yog'och, shisha uchun kichik formatda epson uv printer

qobiq, yog'och, shisha uchun kichik formatda epson uv printer

Texnik xususiyatlar: pvc karta printeri Plastinaning turi: Flatbed Printer Status: Yangi o'lchamlari (L * W * H): 870mm * 750mm * 550mm Og'irligi: 90KG Avtomatik Sinf: Avtomatik Voltaj: 220V va 110V Bosib Bosh: Epson DX5 Ink ta'minot usuli: to'lovlar: 30% avans va 70% so'nggi shippmentdan oldin to'lanishi kerak. Hujjat turi: Raqamli printer Chiqishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatish: Xorijiy texnika xizmatini ko'rsatish bo'yicha muhandislar Mahsulot ta'rifi UV nurli inkjet bosish tizimi juda qimmat va katta hajmga ega emas. ..
Ko'proq o'qing
a3 o'lchamli yuqori tezkor ko'p funktsiyali shisha bosib chiqarish mashinasi

a3 o'lchamli yuqori tezkor ko'p funktsiyali shisha bosib chiqarish mashinasi

Specifications Usage:Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer, glass printer Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Type:Inkjet Printer Condition:New Model Number:ZXD-A3UV-6C-131 Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:VAC 110-240V Dimensions(L*W*H):73*63*54cm Weight:55KG printer name:Bottle Printing Machine UV DTG Glass Bottle Printer Ink type:CMYK+WW/CMYK+Lc+Lm Print head:Original DX5 Printing speed:111s for A4 full image High resolution:5760*1440DPI Ink supply method:Continuous ink supply system Max print size:28cm*42cm*18cm ...
Ko'proq o'qing
a3 uv printer, rivojlangan kichik o'lchamli avtomatik uv flatbed printer

a3 uv printer, rivojlangan kichik o'lchamli avtomatik uv flatbed printer

Specifications Usage:Card Printer, uv printer Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Condition:New Weight:100KG Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:110V/220V Warranty:1 Year Print Dimension:30*60cm Ink Type:uv ink Type:uv printer Name:A3 UV printer Printing Speed:85s For A4 Size Max Printing Height:19cm Printer Head:Original DX5 Printer Head Printing Color:CMYK,White,White Packaged Size:100cm*76cm*73cm Operation System:Microsoft Windows 98/2000/me/XP/OS9 Accessories:USB Line,Software-Driven,Power Lines,Product Mannuals etc Company Information Faltbed printers is also the multifunctional printer.It ...
Ko'proq o'qing
a2 a3 keng formatli raqamli inkjet bosib chiqarishni Uv flatbed printer

a2 a3 keng formatli raqamli inkjet bosib chiqarishni Uv flatbed printer

Specifications Usage:Bill Printer, Tube Printer Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Condition:New Model Number:A4UVDYJ0000000001V2 Dimensions(L*W*H):750*560*520mm Weight:35kg Automatic Grade:Semi-automatic Voltage:110V/220V Product name:inkjet printer Application:dtg printer Name:pvc card printer After-sales Service Provided:No overseas service provided Product Description This is a brand new A4 UV printer designed for precise printing on flat surfaces. It is easy operating and of universal usage. Not only is it suitable ...
Ko'proq o'qing
yuqori sifatli dtg a3 t-shirt uv printer

yuqori sifatli dtg a3 t-shirt uv printer

Specifications Usage:Bill Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer, t shirt and other textile products Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Type:Inkjet Printer Condition:New Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:110V/220V Dimensions(L*W*H):87*67*63cm Weight:65kg Warranty:1 Year, 15 Months Trouble-free Print Dimension:28*55cm Ink Type:UV ink Product name:PN88-3355 t shirt printer Ink type:Textile Ink Printhead:DX5 Piezo-Electric Printhead Print speed:A4 size/61 seconds Print size:330*550mm Print height:170mm Print resolution:5760*1440dpi Application:T ...
Ko'proq o'qing
zavod bahosi kuchi a3 t shirt bosib chiqarish mashinasi t shirt printer

zavod bahosi kuchi a3 t shirt bosib chiqarish mashinasi t shirt printer

Specifications Usage:Cloths Printer Plate Type:Flatbed Printer Condition:New Model Number:OR-ta4 Dimensions(L*W*H):770mmx640mmx462mm Weight:58kg Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:220V/110V Product name:A3 t shirt printing machine Name:A4/A3 size T-shirt printer Ink type:Water Based Pigment DTG Ink Printing Size:21x29cm Color:6 Color Warranty:One Year Print speed:A4 Photo*64s Brand:Allraising Printing cost:0.1 USD for A4 size Print head:1800/r230 Type:Digital Printer After-sales Service Provided:Engineers available to service machinery overseas Product Description ...
Ko'proq o'qing
issiq savdo yangi dizayn a2 o'lchamli raqamli uv flatbed printer

issiq savdo yangi dizayn a2 o'lchamli raqamli uv flatbed printer

Specifications Usage: Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer Plate Type: Flatbed Printer, Flatbed Printer Condition: New Model Number: WLD-UV4590 Dimensions(L*W*H): 3700*2150*1260mm Weight: 130KG Automatic Grade: Automatic Voltage: 220v Type: Digital Printer Color: Blue UV Printer: Digital LED UV Printer Machine Size: 1.1m*1.2m*0.69m Packing Size: 1.3m*1.4m*0.89m Net Weight: 130KG Gross Weight: 270KG OEM Service Offered: ...
Ko'proq o'qing
telefon ishi naqsh matbaa teri mobil telefon qopqog'i printer

telefon ishi naqsh matbaa teri mobil telefon qopqog'i printer

Specifications Usage: Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Tube Printer Plate Type: Flatbed Printer Type: Inkjet Printer Condition: New Automatic Grade: Automatic Voltage: 220V/110V Dimensions(L*W*H): 56 *49 *40 cm/ 75*63*54 cm Weight: 26/55 KG Product name: phone case printer Ink: UV ink Application: Printing images on the surface of hard object Max print size: 28*43cm/15 cm *36 cm ...
Ko'proq o'qing
a3 hajmida to'liq avtomatik 4 rang dx5 printer boshli mini ul printer dtg uv flatbe

a3 hajmida to'liq avtomatik 4 rang dx5 printer boshli mini ul printer dtg uv flatbe

Specifications Usage: Eco solvent printer Plate Type: Eco solvent printer Type: Inkjet Printer Condition: New Automatic Grade: Automatic Voltage: 220V 50~60HZ Dimensions(L*W*H): L3190*W1100*H845MM Weight: 260kg Key words: DX5 Printer Printhead Kind: ep dx5 printhead Main Product: Eco solvent printer Printhead: 1 or 2 pcs Cleaning System: Auto clean system Ink Type: Eco Solvent Ink Ink Color: 4 or double 4 ...
Ko'proq o'qing
Metall / telefon qutisi / shisha / qalam / kupa uchun A2 o'lchamli Uv flatbed printer

metall / telefon qutisi / shisha / qalam / kupa uchun a2 o'lchamli uv flatbed printer

Specifications Usage: Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer Plate Type: Flatbed Printer Type: Inkjet Printer Condition: New Automatic Grade: Automatic Voltage: 220V/110V Dimensions(L*W*H): 135*90*60cm Weight: 102KG Product name: A2 size phone case uv flatbed printer Ink type: UV Ink Software: PhotoPrint Resolution: 360dpi*720dpi*1440dpi Print head: Single printhead (180*6 nozzles) ink color: CMYK+WW Printing Speed: ...
Ko'proq o'qing
katta format dx5 dx7 bosh 3.2m eko hal qiluvchi printer

katta format dx5 dx7 bosh 3.2m eko hal qiluvchi printer

Specifications Usage: inkjet printer Plate Type: eco solvent printer Type: Inkjet Printer Condition: New Automatic Grade: Automatic Voltage: AC220V, 50Hz/60Hz Dimensions(L*W*H): 4800*1100*1700mm Weight: 650KG ±15kg Warranty: 1 Year Print Dimension: 3200mm Ink Type: eco solvent ink Product name: Eco solvent printer Printhead: Eps DX5/DX7 Printhead Resolution: 1440 DPI Printing width: 3.2m Ink type: Eco-solvent ink/ water based ink/Sublimation ink Media ...
Ko'proq o'qing
2019 yangi dx5 boshli flatbed printer a3 o'lchamli uv boshchiligidagi mashina

2019 yangi dx5 boshli flatbed printer a3 o'lchamli uv boshchiligidagi mashina

Specifications Plate Type:no need of plate making Type:Inkjet Printer Condition:New Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:110V/220V Dimensions(L*W*H):65CM*53CM*53CM Weight:60KG After-sales Service Provided:Engineers available to service machinery overseas Brand:magnetic ink color:6/8 colors ink supply system:CISS(continious ink supply system) interface:USBIEEE-1284 parallel interface / USB operation system:Windows win95.98.NT.2000.2003.xp.mac.linus voltage:110V/220V power:75W production quantity:4 pieces, 8 pieces, 16 piecs,2 pieces maximum printing size:a4, a3 ,a3,a1 Product image Product Application ...
Ko'proq o'qing
issiq sotish a3 dx5 boshli raqamli t-ko'ylak uv tekis bosib chiqarish mashinasi

issiq sotish a3 dx5 boshli raqamli t-ko'ylak uv tekis bosib chiqarish mashinasi

Specifications Usage:t shirt printer Plate Type:dtg printing machine Type:Inkjet Printer Condition:New Automatic Grade:Automatic Voltage:220/110V Dimensions(L*W*H):114cmX61.5cmX51cm Weight:85KGS Printhead:DX5 clothes printing machine Width:32cmx60cm Ink:pigment ink Printing:outdoor and indoor RIP:photoprint 10.0, maintop Materials:flex banner, pvc, vinyl, paper... Ink system:continue ink system(CISS) Cleaning system:Automatic ink system Color:C,M,Y,K clothes printing machine After-sales Service Provided:Engineers available to service machinery overseas FAQ 1. Q: Why choose us? ...
Ko'proq o'qing